Best-Laid Plans

Dealer: North
Both sides vulnerable

S 7 4
H 6
D A K J 7 3
C K J 10 5 4
H K Q J 5
D Q 9 8 5 2
C 8 7 3 2
S K 10 3 2
H 10 8 7 4 2
D 10 6 4
C 9
S A Q J 9 8 6 5
H A 9 3
C A Q 6
SPassSAll Pass
Opening Lead: H K

Another sign standing guard beside a church in my town:”If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans.”

Whatever can go wrong, will — especially at the bridge table. You can’t be too careful as declarer. At today’s slam, South took the ace of hearts, ruffed a heart in dummy and discarded his last heart on a high diamond. He next led a trump for a finesse with his queen. Alas, West discarded, and South wound up losing two trump tricks to East for down one.


South thought the contract looked easy — which meant it required all the more care. At the second trick, South should cash the ace of trumps. If both defenders follow low, South can ruff a heart in dummy, discard a heart on a high diamond, ruff a diamond and lead the queen of trumps, easily taking the rest.When West discards on the ace of trumps, declarer can lead a club to dummy, discard two hearts on the A-K of diamonds and lead a trump. Again, he will take 12 tricks without difficulty.


You hold:
SA Q J 9 8 6 5
HA 9 3
CA Q 6
. The dealer, at your right, opens one diamond. You double, accepting the risk that your partner may pass for penalty, and he bids one heart. What do you say?

You must take strong action; game is probable. A bid of one spade would suggest a hand worth 17 or more points, a jump to two spades would show more. Cue-bid two diamonds or, if you want to gamble a bit, bid four spades.

Copyright © 2015, Tribune Media Services

2018-03-02T15:24:56-08:00By |Categories: Chicago Tribune Bridge Column|0 Comments

About the Author:

Frank Stewart is one of the world's most prolific bridge journalists. He won many tournament events before devoting himself to writing. Frank has published hundreds of magazine and on-line articles. He has written 24 books, among them "Becoming an Expert," "Play Bridge With Me," "Who Has the Queen?" and most recently "Keys to Winning Bridge." In 2014, Frank Stewart received the International Bridge Press Association's Alan Truscott Award. He has been the senior analyst for ACBL-wide Charity and International Fund events since 1980. Frank and his wife, Charlotte, a pediatric speech pathologist, live in Fayette AL. They have a 17-year-old daughter.

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