Bridge Hand Review: Dealer: North, Vulnerable: Both

//Bridge Hand Review: Dealer: North, Vulnerable: Both

This deal was submitted by Dave Smith who was playing with Kate. Here are his observations about a hand where declarer (Kate) took full advantage of an error by the opposition.

“It’s been accurately said that bridge is a game of mistakes. Alfred Sheinwold once stated, ‘Learn from the mistakes of others. You won’t live long enough to make them all yourself.’ Other cynics say that bridge is a game of mistakes and the trick is to blame your partner. Yes, everyone makes mistakes, even the best players. When your opponents err, you have to take advantage.

“An opponent made a mistake on this deal from the Aug. 31 ACBL mini-tourney, and Kate took full advantage (hands rotated):

Dlr: North Vul: Both
Scoring:Â MPs

S 10 3
H 7 6 5 3 2
D 7 6 5 4
C Q 7
S A 9 8 7 6
D K 3
C A K 10 5 4
S Q 4 2
H Q 9 8
D 10 9 8 2
C 6 3 2
S K J 5
H A J 10 4
C J 9 8


All Pass

“Kate was South and opened one club which was Precision showing 16+ high-card points. North’s second pass showed 0-5 HCP or a trap pass. Kate’s rebid showed a strong notrump. The vulnerability may explain why West didn’t compete further.

“West led the club 5, won by Kate with the 8. She played the ace of hearts and then the jack. East won the queen and returned a club. As West cashed his club suit, Kate discarded a spade and a diamond from her hand and three low diamonds from dummy.

“West could have played the ace of spades and another, but he erred. He exited with the spade 7 which went to the queen and king. This was the position:

S 10
H 7 6 5
D 7
C —
S A 9 8
H —
D K 3
C —
S 4 2
H 9
D 10 9
C —
H 10 4
C —

“Kate cashed the heart 10 and led the 4 to dummy. West discarded the 9 and 8 of spades. At trick 11, she cashed dummy’s 7 of hearts, discarding the jack of spades from her hand. West was in trouble. If he discarded his ace of spades, the 10 in dummy would be good, so he sluffed his low diamond, blanking his king.

“Reading the position to perfection, Kate led a diamond to her ace, dropping the king to make two. This was good for a 90.82% board.”

About the Author:

Harold Schogger has just celebrated 40 years of bridge teaching. He opened his bridge club in Hendon London in 1983. Since 1997 he has devoted his time to teaching and directing.He holds the Professional Teachers’ Diploma from the English Bridge Union, and now trains teachers for the EBU. He is also a member of the International Bridge Press Association. Harold is the author of Practice Your Rule of 11 and the ebook Bridge for Winners.Harold has been an OKbridge member since 1997. You can see his valuable blog posts here under the category Bridge Hand Review. Harold is also a Premier Life Master.

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